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is the total package deal to create your fabulous Afro, Kinky or Curly look! Our HD 13x4 frontal will blend perfectly with your scalp color, and our 10A Extensions are soft, none shedding and will last
for years. No kinks, it can be dyed, flat- ironed or curled.
Color is natural. The weight of each bundle is 100 to 105g. Choose your hair texture and look fabulous!
List Price: $360.00 Our Price: $295.00 Savings: $65.00
Availability:: Usually Delivery is between 3 to 5 Days after Cleared Payment
Product Code: AKC-HDFB

13x4 Lace Frontal :
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Choose Parting :
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Choose Your Hair Texture:
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Lace Color:
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Choose your Hair Type*:
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